“Set small goals for yourself and meet them. You are responsible to take care of yourself. You should be your priority!!”
I am sure by now most of you know what I am banging on about, if not you can read about the start of this journey here. I know I keep banging on about how happy I am and how amazing this challenge has been but I can not help it! I am literally stopping people on the street to tell them all about my happy little world. I can’t wait until Monday to share everything I have learnt with you and to share my next challenge with you tomorrow on Instagram. Guys 2018 might have started crappy but it will be finishing with a bloody big bang!
Day 28
Let’s ignore my top half in this picture and look at my calves instead! Hello, big old calf muscles! So on Day 28 I tried climbing and bouldering something I have wanted to try forever but have been far too scared to, in case I looked like an absolute dick who didn’t know what they were doing. Turns out that is exactly what I looked like! I did a little research online and found a climbing place on the other side of Manchester that did a tester session it worked out at £15 for an hour with a group of newbies. Seemed like a good place to start and when I arrived I was the only person who actually booked onto the time slot so I had an instructor to myself for the full hour. I bloody loved it, the tester session really helped and I know when I go back I will feel confident enough to do it alone without hurting myself. And I will be 100% going back, this was definitely in the top 10 of things that I tried and loved the most. I would love to think that if I really try hard with it that I will be climbing outside by this time next year, I will keep you updated on my process and fingers crossed I don’t fracture my skill with this hobby!
Day 29
I think most of you know that I live in south Cheshire and work in Manchester, work is roughly 35 miles from my home so I really want to move a lot closer, unfortunately, I don’t know any of the areas except for the city centre and where I work. Mainly because I convinced myself that driving around Manchester would be too hard for me and partly because when I have ventured past these two areas its always to the same three blocks. So when Maddie at work suggested taking me on a little tour of a few new areas I jumped at the chance of leaving my comfort zone and maybe discovering where my next home might be! One of these little tours included Didsbury and East Didsbury which despite only working 15 minutes from I had never ventured too. This challenge has really helped me cement some friendships with some of the people I work with, which has been fantastic because now if it’s been a hard day in the office I know I have friends to go and relax with at home time. Especially with Maddie she is quickly becoming my sister from another mister and someone I consider a close friend now.
Day 30
Ok, so possibly the ugliest picture I have ever shared on the internet, sorry not sorry! However, day 30 may have been the most liberating day of the challenge, for as long as I can remember I have wanted my septum pierced and was always talked out of it whether from boyfriends, family or friends they all managed to convince me that it would not suit me or I would never find anyone with a hoop through my nose. Well, guess what? I feel sexy as fuck! Literally, this is now the sexiest I have ever felt, there is something wonderful about doing something for yourself despite what others think about it. Although I do love my new piercing I was still grown up about it and chose a horseshoe ring so I can hide it during work meetings, however, I am a week into having it and I am already just leaving out during meetings, oops! Honestly, I feel like a whole new woman with it in and I love it so much, just wish I didn’t listen to others so much in the past.
Day 31
Day 31 was utterly amazing and something I am going to write a whole other blog post about. So set a reminder on your phone for Sunday because this is going to be a big one.
Day 32
I made pierogi from scratch which is my all-time favourite food, my mum is Polish and growing up I have so many fond memories of my grandmother in her kitchen cooking enough to feed a small army. I was a chubby child so she was feeding me ok she was just feeding my chubby self! I decided I would try cooking the dish from scratch and oh my fucking god it was like eating a time machine to 1995, with the first mouth full I was instantly taken back to my childhood and now I have accepted that I am about to put a lot of weight on as I overload on pure carbs! I definitely feel pleased with myself not only for completing another day but for cooking and taking care of myself a little better.
I have finished the challenge now and am hoping to get all blog posts up this week so please bare with me.