“We have to be honest about what we want and take risks rather than lie to ourselves and make excuses to stay in our comfort zone.” – Ray Bennett
If you have no idea what the hell 40 new things in 40 days is all about you can read all about the start of this crazy idea here. Once you are caught up there, head over to here, to read the second instalment, once you have caught up with all that but especially the start, then start scrolling down gorgeous.
Day Eight:
A little bit odd but totally delicious! Eating a battered mars bar has been on my bucket list since I heard of it, it might sound like a tiny little thing but it is one of the things that is super obtainable but one of those things we long to do but turn it into something that is hard work. I literally have been dreaming about trying one for the last five years, I mean how stupid is that. It took four phone calls but I found a chippy 5 minutes from my house that did it along with a list of other battered foods including battered black pudding! Let me tell you, my friends, that a battered mars bar will change your life! It could be the best thing I have ever put in my mouth, although not sure I will be making this a weekly treat, it might be delicious but I am pretty sure it would give me a heart attack given half the chance.
Day Nine:
On day nine, I took my laptop to a local coffee shop and blogged away for about eight hours. Not sure why I have never done this but it has now changed my blogging life. I was about ten times more productive than if I had just stayed at home blogging plus there are endless amounts of coffee. Everybody that sat next to me chatted with me, I played with a strangers baby, who was absolutely adorable. I also had a coffee with an eldery gentlemn who was alone and sad after the passing of his wife. We chatted over two cups of coffee for an hour as he was leaving he said that it had been the best hour he had in a long time, it melted my little heart. I literally did nothing special and I had made someone else happy. Something I could not have done sat at home alone. I now have 5 hours a week set aside in my diary for coffee shop working because honestly, the world is full of amazing people if you just stop for a coffee and chat.
Day Ten:
I treated myself to a Sunday morning cinema trip on my own. Now I am happy as larry to go to a restaurant and eat alone, I travel alone and go on loads of day trips alone but something about walking into a cinema alone scared the poop out of me! Literally no idea why loads of people go to the cinema alone. I did feel a little odd doing it and felt, even more, self-conscious when I asked for one ticket and the guy behind the counter asked if I was sure! But once I was sat down it really didn’t matter, I treated myself to a Tango Blast and some ice cream, got cosy and enjoyed Peter Rabbit. Which made me cry like a little girl, the movie was great, I highly recommend going to see if you have not already. By the end of the film, I decided this was going to be my new Sunday morning treat to myself.
Day 11:
This is a bit of an odd one but on day 11 I booked to go to a blogging event London, which is something I have wanted to do for so long but lack of self-confidence always talked me out of it. I have worried about going and no one talking to me or even wanting to hear about my blog. And I love my blog so much it scares the crap out of me that someone might tell me that my blog is crap. Which I know no one would but it seemed to stop me wanting to meet any other bloggers. But not anymore, the event is at the start of June and I am super excited about going and meeting other people doing what they love to. Who knows I might get some fabulous tips or even make a friend or two. The point is I will never know unless I actually go, let’s hope that not everyone looks as fabulous as I imagine they are going to look. Might have to treat myself to a new outfit or three.
I have been literally been banging on all over my social media about how much this is changing my life, from people already in my life and internet friends showing me so much love and encouragement. But not going to lie, I am bloody knackered, maybe my next challenge will be to sleep for 40 days and 40 nights!