“Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it’s not because they enjoy solitude. It’s because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them.”Jodi Picoult Lockdown has been such an odd time for me where time means nothing expect I […]

“Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it’s not because they enjoy solitude. It’s because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them.”Jodi Picoult

Lockdown has been such an odd time for me where time means nothing expect I have had loads of it. I know its been an awful few months for the whole world but always wanting to look on the bright side the experience has been OK for me. It has given me time to explore new hobbies and have some much needed rest. Although its starting to feel like life is returning to some kind of normal. The first 60 days of lockdown will be 60 days I will never forget. To make sure I remember everything I thought I would do a round up of them.

Day 1 – I was mainly confused and wondering how I  would cope with this new way of life………Little did I know.

Day 2 – I quickly figured out how I would survive! I did my first bin dip and using my stairs summitted Scafell Pike

Day 3 – I dug out my camping stove and made chocolate cornflake cakes in my garden.

Day 4 – I discovered my love of tie dye and was able to recycle an old t-shirt and beetroot juice to create one of my favourite t’shirts. I was over the moon with this! Used only what I had at home! Old white t-shirt! Juice from the jar of beetroots I had in the fridge and hair bobbles!!! When it dried wash it in cold salt water to get the colour to stick!! When all this is over I’m wearing this bad boy o

Day 5 – And my love of sausages began………..from this point I would eat over 200 sausages during lockdown.

Day 6 – I finally caved and downloaded Tik Tok, unfortunately I wasn’t able to download any rhythm.

Day 7 – I dyed my hair pink using food dye and I totally loved it!!

Day 8 – I went on a rubbish hunt, turns out the streets and fields were filled with plastic bottles and snack wrappers. At the time I couldn’t imagine how bad it would get. I can safely say now that we have seen the public being allowed out again, that I disgusted with human behaviour, the amount of rubbish that has been photographed in public areas is disgusting and not OK.

Day 9 – I stretched my green fingers and planted some herbs. (Spoiler alert, they all died).

Day 10 – The first day I had seen anyone else, I went to my sisters house who at the time was completely social isolating because of a really bad cough (in fact the worse cough I had ever heard in my life). I took a flask of tea & a cup with me and we chatted away. My 3 year old niece played games with me through the window and the highlight of the trip was my sister picking my niece up to wave goodbye to me and my niece weeing on her (current potty training struggles) I don’t think I’ve laughed so much during self isolation! Memories that will last a life time!

Day 10 – I went on an epic wild swim!! My journey started by having to swim through a narrow gap I had discovered just north of my kitchen, the banks on either side were alight (which smelt strongly of vanilla) once passed the flames I discovered a beautiful lagoon, however its surface was covered in an odd yet pleasantly scented foam. I swam with only the sound of bird song to keep me company and the distant sound of water falling. After a lengthy swim I discovered a powerful waterfall. The water was surprisingly warm for early April. Getting tired from all the swimming I decided to head back before nightfall. What a perfect spring wild swim.

Day 11 – I jumped on a flight to Costa del Boredom and enjoyed an all inclusive getaway!! The swim up bar was the highlight and because I am a hot mess when drunk I kept the arm bands on for safety. I imagine this was the day my neighbours started question my sanity.

Day 12 – I decided to cut loose and get footloose whilst being snug as a bug in a rug (well as a bug in a sleeping bag). After almost an hour of trying to film the perfect jump, I gave up and just sat and ate ice cream. This was also the start of me filming my adventures.

Day 13 – I wanted to break free. Best I could do was some Queen karaoke. 

Day 14 I decided it was time to stop eating all the sausages and get some bloody exercise.

Getting into that workout life!
This dance ain’t for everybody
Only the sexy people
So all you fly mothers, get on out there and dance
Dance, I said!]
Salt and Pepa’s here, and we’re in effect
Want you to push it, babe

Day 15 – I headed to Player del Garden for another mini getaway! Whilst enjoying the sunshine I discovered a local spa and treated myself to a little face mask.

The stars also came out on day 15 so I enjoyed a movie night outdoors with s’mores. Can I just say this was one of my best nights in lockdown, lots of sweet treats and The Lion King!!!

Day 16 – After two weeks of adventures I decided to have a rest day! Like a lizard I lazed in the sun and enjoyed some snooze time.

Day 17 – I discovered a tropical oasis just north of my kitchen and to the eat of my bedroom. And as much as I love snorkelling I still cant do it. I also discovered “that darling its better down where it’s wetter, under the sea” Filled with exotic wildlife and covered in rainbow water lilies with parrots flying overhead. White Tile Lagoon was the most perfect spot to stop and have a little swim. I even came across the very rare rainbow starfish!! The only thing missing was a pina colada!!

And rainbows were making the world feel like a better place.

Day 18 Saw me write a love letter to the mountains.

Day 19 – April the 11th at 4.30am the hospital rang me to tell me my dad had passed away. I spent the day crying in my tent and the night sleeping in there to hoping nature would heal my heart. I also finally veet’ed my moustache and burnt my face!

Day 20 – Easter Sunday came with Easter treats and maybe the need for 10 new fillings.

To watch all the videos and see more pictures, head over to my Instagram page Emmas Happy Little world.

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