“Be positive and stop negative thinking and the key to stop negative thoughts in this hour of crisis of COVID-19, is to spread your love and positive energy in every direction for the well-being of the whole humanity.” ― Amit Ray
As much as lock down sucks balls I am keeping as positive as humanly possible and making the most out of this shit show. Yes we are stuck inside but we are allowed out for daily exercise and as someone who rammed their life fall of daily activities from dawn to dusk and would feel immense guilt about not doing so, this time is showing me a new way of life. It has completely slowed me down to a pace I had no idea even existed and is forcing me to look at what I prioritised in my life before hand. I can’t even remember the last time I had a duvet day (we are talking years ago) I have been so busy creating this filled life that I am not even sure I have been enjoying it as much as I could have been. Don’t get me wrong I am forever grateful for my life although it looks very different to most but this period has taught me that it is OK to slow down sometimes, rest and recharge.
I now spend an hour or two just walking the local streets daily looking for all signs of spring, I stop to smell the flowers I will briefly sit to just listen to the bird song and I eat all my meals in my garden sat on the grass watching the insects crawling around. Spring is a time for change and new life and I couldn’t imagine a better time to be going through this personal journey. with any luck I will come out of this a different women with different coloured petals.
Natures Way by Heidi Campbell
Upon a nice mid-spring day,
Let’s take a look at Nature’s way.
Breathe the scent of nice fresh air,
Feel the breeze within your hair.
The grass will poke between your toes,
Smell the flowers with your nose.
Clouds form shapes within the skies,
And light will glisten from your eyes.
Hear the buzzing of the bees,
Climb the tallest willow trees.
Look across the meadow way,
And you shall see a young deer play.
Pick the daisies as they grow,
Watch a gentle cold stream flow.
Know the sounds of water splash,
Catch its glimmer in a flash.
When altogether all seems sound,
Lay yourself upon the ground.
Take a moment to inhale,
And listen to Nature tell her tale…
Lazy spring days should always be followed by lazy spring evenings……………….
Now the evenings have gotten warmer (and more importantly dry) lock down doesn’t seem so bad since I can get the extra time outside (most importantly I am extremely grateful to have an outdoor space). And what better way to enjoy an evening then The Lion King (at which I still cry at) s’mores and a good brew! I couldn’t think of a better one either. I would have never done this previously which just blows my mind as much as lock down is driving me nuts I really hope I continue doing everything I have been after lock down ends. Not that I am going to have to twist my own arm to eat s’mores! But it really is the little things that adds joy to our lives, I think sometimes we just have to remember to do the little things.