So towards the end of last year, I was getting totally burnt out, 2017 was an emotional year for me. I started the year engaged to someone, broke up, moved house, met someone, broke up, changed jobs, gave the guy a second chance and swapped jobs again all whilst looking for another place to live. Its […]

So towards the end of last year, I was getting totally burnt out, 2017 was an emotional year for me. I started the year engaged to someone, broke up, moved house, met someone, broke up, changed jobs, gave the guy a second chance and swapped jobs again all whilst looking for another place to live. Its safe to say I embraced change in 2017!

And by November I was really starting to feel the strain on myself, 2017 was also the year I posted least on my blog too, my blog that I absolutely adore writing. So I made the conscious decision that I would take a break from everything in January, after all, we all know that January is the trial run for the year.

Its been a long time since I have been able to just focus on myself and with no shame, I can say that the pressures from last year had started to affect my mental health. I was becoming anxious about the smallest of stuff, I would cry over the smallest of things and all though I remained positive throughout  I knew it was time for a rest.

So I have been resting, I have been spending time with friends, family and the boyfriend. I have been coming up with lots of new exciting projects and more importantly, I put zero pressure on myself.

I plan on writing lots more on this subject in the future but for now, I just wanted to say hey! And I can’t wait to share all my new exciting blog posts with you, so keep your eyes peeled because 2018 is the year I have a lot to say!!!!

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